Check the record is secured by soley tightening the security screw.
Once secured, send the cube connected to the OneBite arch and the occlusal plate separately.
The cube record is all your laboratory will need for the case, with no additional equipment required for the analog protocol.
The only difference between the analog and digital protocols is the transfer method. For the complete protocol up to this point, refer to the Clinician System Protocol.
Step 1: Prepare the Record for Scanning
Unscrew the OneBite cube nut on the back of the cube and position the Scan Cap across the ball joint arch connection.
This cap is designed to help if the scanner gets lost over the arch during scanning.
Step 2: Connect to the Cube Holder
Insert the cube into the clinician cube holder and screw the nut back on to secure the record in place. Then, place the scan cap to bridge the gap between the arch connector and the cube.
Step 3: Prepare the Intraoral Scanner
Ensure the scanner is fully charged and calibrated for the session.
Important: Before you begin scanning, make sure to turn off any AI settings on your intraoral scanner. If the AI settings remain on, some information may be cut out, and the record won’t be captured accurately.
Step 4: Scan the Record
Now, proceed with scanning the bite, starting at the arch, and work your way around carefully. After scanning the bite, return to the incisal edge and continue scanning up to the top of the arch, across the ball joint, and up to the top face of the cube. Ensure that you scan all three sides of the cube.
Step 5: Send the Digital Information
The files you will send to the laboratory include the patient’s upper, lower, and bite scans, as well as the OneBite cube record scan. Additionally, you’ll need to provide the patient’s Z and Y values, along with photos of the right side and front of the patient with the OneBite Evolution system in place. Additionally send a picture of the patient smiling for reference.
This provides all the information your laboratory needs for the case, eliminating the need to send any equipment for the full digital protocol.
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